Using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), aka 'Acupuncture, to provide quality, compassionate healthcare that is affordable for everyone.
Maintaining one's health should not be burden, either in time or expense. Our mission is to provide powerful, effective healing for everyone in a timely and affordable manner.
The modern healthcare system can do wondrous things, but it is more often than not difficult to navigate, often unaffordable, and difficult to access even in the most dire of circumstances.
Our mission is to fill in those gaps as best as we can. This not a miracle medicine (although some patients beg to differ), but a systematic, wholistic approach to medicine that is over 3,000 years old.
It is recognized as effective healing system for a variety of diseases by the World health Organization (WHO), National Health Institute (NIH), American Medical Association (AMA), and many others.
After 3,000 years, if it did not work. I think they would have figured something else out.